How Coaching Creates Champion Advisors

What heights would Rocky have reached without Coach Mickey?

Sure Rocky was determined, but Mickey chiseled that raw determination into greatness.

He needed a Mickey in his corner to train, guide and push him to rise above the doubts and obstacles facing him. Not only the challengers who wanted to defeat him… but the self-doubt and psychological obstacles too.

I’m fired up at the chance to coach you and see you flourish into a prize-fighting advisor who zooms past $100mm in AUM.

At least this is my vision for every advisor who gets into Marketer’s Club.

What’s Marketer’s Club?

Marketer’s Club is my new pilot coaching membership… AND  your chance to work directly with me on your marketing campaigns.   You ALSO get access to a growing library of direct-mail and digital marketing resources.

Since it’s a new pilot service, and since I want to help as many advisors as possible,  I’m opening the doors at the lowest membership fee in the biz… but only for this pilot launch.

What are ya waiting for?

Jump in today and let’s see what we can accomplish together.

Head here to claim your spot:

Josh Ford

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