How Looking at Attractive Models Helps You Build a Better Financial Practice

I’m a firm believer of “Modeling”.

No, I don’t mean the modeling done for Sports Illustrated covers… (Or that I did a few times back when I was a young fit buck).

I’m talking about scanning for successful business and marketing examples to borrow from.

While working at RWA, we were always on the lookout for processes and systems we could model to improve.

Take a doctor’s office for example…

There were several client and practice management systems and processes we borrowed.   Systems and processes you may want to consider modeling yourself.

Does it take more work and discipline to find and adopt new business systems?

Sure, at first.  But after they’re in place and you’re used to operating by them… business is better and life is easier.  Plus, the more systemized your business becomes… the more you can automate and scale.

That’s why I’ve made strategic marketing automation and systems design part of my skill-set.  I know this sounds somewhat like professional title lingo whatnot…

Just means I’m pretty savvy and work hard at making businesses run and grow better.

If you’re interested in “tapping-into” me ole’ brain.  You can book a Pro Bono Marketing Consult with me… where I can learn more about you and your business.

Take a quick survey to claim your $200 consult.

Josh Ford

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