The Golden Rule vs. The Rule of Gold

So, which group are you in?

Those who follow the “Golden Rule”? OR those who follow the “Rule of Gold”? 

According to Michael Masterson in his excellent book, “Ready, Fire, Aim”… everyone fits into one of these two groups.  

Basically, those in the “Golden Rule” group are “Sharers” with an Abundance Mindset.

They believe wealth is something that can be expanded and shared. So, they give and share knowing there’s more than enough to go around. They also know if they give… it will return to them in one way or another. In other words, you reap what you sow.

Those is the “Rule of Gold” group are “Hoarders” with a Scarcity Mindset.  

They believe wealth is limited and thus must be tightly clutched and hoarded. So, when dealing with others, they scratch, claw and scheme to take and hoard as much as they can. 

Treat your clients, employees and partners as you’d like to be treated. It will pay off in more ways that one… and you’ll feel good doing it.  

And ya know what? 

If you think about it, being considerate and selfless is… in a weird way… kinda selfish 😉

In an effort to be more of a “Sharer”… I’ve decided to hook you up with a nice little gift.  

I’m giving you the chance to try Marketer’s Club for 2 full weeks at no charge. That’s right my Abundant-Minded friend. You get to “kick the tires” for 14 days and try it out before spending one cent.  

So, act now and delay not… 

To join Marketer’s Club Advanced Coaching Membership head here:

Josh Ford

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